Character Building Training on Gen-Z Tolerance for 12th Grade SMAK Santa Maria, Malang


  • Antono Wahyudi English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Language, Universitas Ma Chung



Tolerance boundaries, Gen-Z, social media, tolerance campaigns, tolerance tower


One of the reasons that the act of intolerant occur is because of the ambiguity factor in the term “tolerance” itself. The logical consequence of this ambiguity has led to the vagueness of meaning of the tolerance boundaries. Furthermore, intolerance and even radicalism often occur in a society. There are serious problems that must be faced if we narrow it down to the life of Gen-Z. Based on the research by the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) UIN Jakarta 2018, there are more than 50% of Gen-Z were exposed to intolerance and radicalism through social media. By focusing on the Gen-Z, specifically to the 12th grade students at SMAK Santa Maria, we began to provide provision for deepening and expanding their understanding on tolerance boundaries and the relationship between the intolerance and social media. This activity is conducted through concrete activities such as role-play, poster campaigns on social media, and games method like building “Tolerance Tower”. Such activities are important to be implemented so that students’ self-value appreciation as well as actualization in a society can be manifested. After the survey conducted, students’ understanding, and awareness is increased by approximately 30%. It certainly did not quantitatively achieve a complete successfulness. Therefore, it is important to carry out such activity that is more systematic and comprehensive way. However, the overall “Character Building Training on Gen-Z Tolerance” activity has laid to the fundamental foundation for a better change in awareness for the next future generations.


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