Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare
<div style="display: inline-flex;"> <p><img style="width: 1012px; display: inline-flex;" src="" alt="Cover Book" width="520" /></p> <div style="margin-left: 1rem;"> <p><strong>The aim</strong> of <strong> Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare (JaCiPS)</strong> is approaching human welfare through complex society and community. <strong>The scope</strong> are unlimited knowledge and interdisciplinary:</p> <ul> <li>Social sciences for community services</li> <li>Engineering for community services and human-welfare</li> <li>Educational technology for community services</li> <li>Health and pharmacy for community services</li> <li>Art sciences for community services</li> <li>Theory and model developments for community services</li> </ul> <p>JaCiPS is periodically <strong>open access</strong> and <strong>anonymous peer review</strong> scientific journal; managed by research and community service department (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat - LPPM ) of Ma Chung University Indonesia. Accepts the manuscripts and articles surroundings the field of applied research towards society from various academic circles and researchers both nationally and internationally. Authors could submit the manuscript in <span style="font-weight: bolder;">English</span><strong>, </strong><span style="font-weight: bolder;">Bahasa Indonesia</span><strong>, or in </strong><span style="font-weight: bolder;">Malay</span><strong>.</strong></p> </div> </div> <div> <p><strong>CALL FOR PAPER</strong></p> <p>Dear Researchers and People who serve the community<br />We announce that you can publish your <strong>research paper</strong><strong> that related to applied science and technology for community </strong>in The Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare (JaCiPS).</p> <hr /> <p>Deadlines for papers submission:</p> <p><strong><span style="color: green;">Vol.4 No.2 November 2024, submission (open)</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="color: green;">submission deadline September 15, 2024.</span></strong></p> <p><br />We believe in quality research work for community services and for this our experienced team of editorial board will do blind peer review of every paper to maintain the quality standard of every volume.<br />Looking forward to corresponding with you. </p> <p>The submission process using the system, please <a href="">register</a> with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply <a href="">log in</a> and begin the five-step process. Please click and follows these templates below for submissions.</p> In Indonesian: <br /><a class="pkp_button download" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download Template (<strong>ID</strong>) </a><br /><br />In English: <br /><a class="pkp_button download" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download Template (<strong>EN</strong>)</a></div> <p>However, if you find any difficulties, send your paper to managing editor:</p> <p>email: <a href="emailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>en-US[email protected] (LPPM Ma Chung University)[email protected] (Agustinus B. Haryasena)Tue, 26 Nov 2024 07:36:00 +0000OJS Kauman Community Members in Malang City through Dragon Fruit Peel Cookie Making
<p>Cookies are calorie-dense snacks made from flour with low dietary fiber content due to the addition of sugar, fat, and eggs, making them less beneficial for health if consumed continuously. Nowadays, there is a need for innovation in providing functional food in the form of healthy and safe cookies for individuals with health issues. Dragon fruit peel is rich in antioxidants and contains high dietary fiber due to its pectin content, along with being a source of several beneficial minerals and vitamins, making it a suitable ingredient for making cookies. This empowerment activity aims to enhance the knowledge of PKK members regarding the production of functional food in the form of dragon fruit peel cookies. The activity consists of 3 (three) stages. The first stage involves an explanation of functional food cookies made from dragon fruit peel, the second stage focuses on the process of making healthy dragon fruit peel cookies, and the third stage entails practical cookie-making using dragon fruit peel. Evaluation is conducted by administering pretests and post-tests. Based on the evaluation results, the pretest score (average=61.16) increased by 53.55% after the post-test (average=93.91). This indicates that the information provided regarding the production of dragon fruit peel cookies was well understood by the participants and suggests the success of the conducted empowerment activity.</p>Venny Kurnia Andika, Sirilus Deodatus Sawu dan Yushinta Elsa Valina, Yushinta Elsa Valina
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Basic Coding Block Mentorship for IT School Teachers at Insan Teladan Cileunyi, Bandung District
<p>Teachers in schools need to understand the development of technology in the current era of Industry 4.0. With this background, education about technology and its advancements, particularly in the fields of coding and robotics, is essential so that teachers (who are then expected to transfer their knowledge to students) can better understand the importance of learning programming (coding) and robotics in the latest technological developments. In practice, teachers at Insan Teladan Integrated Islamic School (IT) are constantly seeking suitable methods and tools to realize the school's mission, which is technology-oriented. Here is where community service through mentoring activities by Telkom University lecturers, Electrical Engineering undergraduate program, plays a role. The goal is to enhance teachers' understanding of the use of information technology (coding) and robotics to support the teaching-learning process. Based on feedback obtained from the target community (teachers) who filled out questionnaires, it can be concluded that 91% of the target community agrees or strongly agrees that this activity meets their needs.</p>Erwin Susanto, Sony Sumaryo, Ig Prasetya Dwibawa
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Promoting Indonesian Culinary Art Pocong Pancong Malang through Social Media Content
<p>Social media content has become a global phenomenon, offering a unique platform for users worldwide to share information, entertainment, and engage with others. Creative and engaging content has the potential to capture attention and even go viral. In Indonesia, one such trend gaining significant attention is '<em>Pocong Pancong</em>.' This community engagement initiative aims to promote Indonesian culinary arts, specifically <em>Pocong Pancong</em> from Malang, through social media content. The success of this engagement is determined by the engagement rate, which serves as an indicator of effectiveness. The engagement process consists of three phases: preparation, execution, and evaluation. In the preparation phase, the engagement team plans and discusses the profile of <em>Pocong Pancong</em>, formulates the project's vision and mission, and collaborates with the <em>Pocong Pancong</em> MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise) partner. The execution phase forms the core of the project. During this phase, the team creates diverse social media content about <em>Pocong Pancong</em>, including product introductions, flavor variations, information on booth locations, the history of pancong cake, and interactive Q&A sessions. These efforts aim to provide valuable insights, educate the public, and engage consumers. The effectiveness of the engagement is measured by the increase in the Instagram account engagement rate, which rises from 1.046 to 1.148 by June 23, 2023. This positive change reflects the favorable community response to the content shared by the engagement team.</p>Catharina Aprilia Hellyani, Erica Adriana, Novenda Kartika Putrianto
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Enhancing the Knowledge of Elderly Posyandu Cadres in Sukoharjo Village, Malang City Through Aromatherapy Telon Oil Making Training
<p>Elderly individuals experience natural aging, which is associated with frailty syndrome. The prevalence of frailty syndrome ranges from 7% in those over 65 years old to 30% in those over 80 years old. Around 35% of the global elderly population and 50% of elderly individuals in Indonesia report sleep quality issues. One non-pharmacological therapy that can be applied to elderly individuals with sleep difficulties is aromatherapy using essential oils. The aim of this community service activity is to enhance the knowledge and skills of Posyandu cadres in Sukoharjo Village, Malang City, regarding the benefits of essential oils and the process of making aromatherapy telon oil. The method used in this activity includes providing information on essential oils and the process of creating aromatherapy telon oil, followed by a practical session on making lavender-based aromatherapy telon oil for Posyandu cadres. The community service activity is conducted in three stages: the first stage involves a presentation on the health benefits of essential oils, the second stage focuses on the process of making aromatherapy telon oil, and the third stage includes a hands-on practice session followed by an evaluation of the participants' knowledge. The evaluation results show a 64.65% increase in the participants’ knowledge, based on pretest and post-test scores. This improvement indicates that the information regarding the health benefits of essential oils and the method for making aromatherapy telon oil is well understood by the Posyandu cadres.</p>Venny Kurnia Andika, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Yolanda Agustina
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Assistance with Preparing Financial Reports for Toko Online Aneka in Malang City
<p>Toko Online Aneka is a micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) operating in social media markets and selling various types of goods. However, the business has not fully implemented an appropriate financial accounting system, particularly in the area of record-keeping. Therefore, this community service project aims to help Toko Online Aneka improve its financial records. The implementation method involves interviews and direct observation, using primary data from a startup business like Toko Online Aneka. During the mentoring process, the required information and data are obtained from the business owners and individuals directly involved in operations. The output of this service activity is the creation of transaction templates and financial reports. The presence of these templates is expected to help Toko Online Aneka track sales and profits, both on a monthly and annual basis. </p>Flavian Naretius Gunawan, Jerri Benardus, Marcelino Andrew, Rhenaldy Pius Wicaksono, Setia Andrew Nugraha, Rino Tam Cahyadi, Fitri Oktariani, Bagas Brian Pratama, Audito Aji Anugrah
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000